Fat-reduction surgeries have surged to new levels of popularity lately, and fortunately, there are several procedures on the market designed to meet different patients’ needs. Today we will compare two of the more common methods people hear about nowadays: CoolSculpting and Sono Bello’s TriSculpt, which is a version of laser liposuction.
From the get-go, we know that these two procedures have pronounced differences. After all, one uses extreme cold to freeze fat cells, while the other uses extreme heat from lasers to melt the fat cells. TriSculpt falls under the minimally invasive category and provides nearly instant results. CoolSculpting is considered noninvasive, and results usually appear after about 3-4 weeks. Ultimately, they both share similar objectives and outcomes but still have vital differences you should know about.
Although CoolSculpting can yield excellent results, it is also limited in the amount of fat it can remove per session. Drastic changes take a while to appear, as the body requires a couple of months to flush out the dead fat cells. Sono Bello’s laser liposuction procedure, called TriSculpt, is invasive, albeit minimally so. The surgeon will insert a cannula directly into the treated area to melt the fat and suck it out instantly. Compared with traditional liposuction, the incision made during TriSculpt is much smaller and can be left to heal without the need for stitches.
If you do not need instant results and want to avoid incisions and anesthesia, then a noninvasive procedure like CoolSculpting could be right for you. On the flip side, if you do not mind the seven-day recovery time of Sono Bello and do not have an issue with anesthesia and incisions, then this is the procedure for you. You can get more done (more fat removed, that is) in one session, and the results will be instant. Since Sono Bello’s TriSculpt procedure directly melts fat through an incision using a versatile tool called a cannula, the doctor can remove excess and better mold the body in one session.

Another significant difference between the two methods is that CoolSculpting can only be performed on areas that applicators, the tool used during the procedure, have been designed for. These areas include the abdomen, chin, thighs, arms, love handles, chest, back, and buttocks. Laser lipo procedures like those performed at Sono Bello, meanwhile, can provide results on any body part. Know that TriSculpt will leave a small scar a couple of millimeters wide. In contrast, CoolSculpting leaves no scar behind, barring the occurrence of Paradoxical Adipose Hyperplasia, an exceedingly rare side effect to cryolipolysis.
TriSculpt can also provide skin tightening benefits by stimulating collagen formation. CoolSculpting operators also claim their machines have a similar effect, but the scientific proof behind such assertions is hazy at best.
Finally, a single CoolSculpting session will cost you less than one Sono Bello treatment ($2,000 vs. $3,500 on average, respectively), primarily due to costs of anesthesia and operating room costs. Given that most people require multiple treatments for CoolSculpting results to prove apparent, however, it is difficult to compare prices easily.